Rype was founded on a firm belief that perfection and versatility within the athleisure and activewear industry should and does exist. This means not only perfection in product but flexibility for all users. We strive to compliment a woman's rype, natural form and appreciate that this comes in a multitude of shapes, sizes and colors. When wearing apparel designed, developed, and tested by Rype, we’re confident that you’ll be the best version of yourself.

Rype’s lineup has been hand selected and meticulously refined through careful product testing and alterations which is evident from the fit to the stitching. 



Addie Ziprick is a Canadian entrepreneur who has always been driven to give back. This, coupled with Addie’s natural fashion aptitude, passion for fitness, and keen eye for detail has proven to be the perfect combination to form and operate the Rype Active we all know and love. 

If you’ve had the opportunity to meet Addie, you’ll note that she’s incredibly caring; caring not only for people and humility, but caring in everything she does. This has been Addie’s opportunity to apply that empathy to provide a service and a product that we know will leave you feeling loved.  

Come get Rype with us!